Farmington Storm Water


The City of Farmington adopted basic storm water management regulations in 1997. The city obtained a General State Operating Permit for a Small Municipal Storm Sewer System from the Department of Natural Resources in 2002, pursuant to state and federal regulations. The city is actively working under this permit to reduce the harmful effects of storm water runoff.

Policy Statement

The City of Farmington is committed to responsive and responsible environmental stewardship in all of its municipal operations and development practices. The City Council and Administration strive to provide its staff of qualified professionals with all of the resources necessary to ensure that equipment and facilities are designed and equipped to meet that objective. The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council are equally committed to ensuring the local ordinances are regularly updated to meet the requirements of regulatory changes and emerging best management practices.

Development Permits

A Development Permit is required for grading, paving, sidewalks, driveways, land disturbance, and site improvement activity as identified within the attached Stormwater Ordinance.

To obtain a development the applicant must submit:

  1. An application form.
  2. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPP).
  3. A Stormwater Management Plan.
  4. A copy of the approved state Land Disturbance Permit.
  5. The required fee.

The publication Protecting Water Quality contains standard specifications and practices approved by the city for control of erosion, pollution, and sediment.

How to Report Stormwater Concerns

Developers who are disturbing land that is one (1) acre or greater, are required to have a Development Permit from the City of Farmington, and a Land Disturbance permit from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. As part of the permit, the developer is supposed to have Best Management Practices (BMP’s) in place at the construction site that prevent erosion and sediment from getting into creeks and streams. These include things like silt fence and straw bales.

If you have concerns about construction site runoff, or other stormwater related concerns, please call the Development Service Department at (573) 756-0608, email Code Enforcement Inspector, Zach Tedford, or report it on the Action Line page.

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