Fences may be constructed on a common property line.
A permit to construct a fence does not constitute acknowledgment of the lot lines involved.
A permit does not give approval or consent to attach to any existing fences of adjoining property owners.
No fence shall be erected that is composed of agricultural type materials including barbed wire, woven wire fence, poultry fence and “T-posts”.
Fences shall not exceed eight (8) feet height where accessory to a residential use.
Fences shall not exceed the greater of either ten (10) feet in height or a 1:2 ratio in relation to building height where accessory to a commercial or industrial use. Garden centers, batting cages and similar structures customarily requiring greater heights shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet.
No fence accessory to a residential use may exceed four (4) feet in height forward of the front line of the main building or beyond the required building setback line on corner lots whenever the fence is located forward of the rear line of the main building.
No attachment, appurtenance, architectural embellishment or similar feature shall be permitted to extend more than one (1) foot above the permitted height for any fence.
Fences constructed on City right-of-way shall be prohibited and shall be removed at the cost of the owner.
All fences constructed along a street line or other public way shall meet the requirements for boundary fences as set forth above.
The finished side of the fence must be faced outward.
Any fence constructed in a City easement may be subject to removal at the discretion of the City. The owner of said fence shall be responsible for any desired restoration of the fence.
The installation of the fence shall not disturb existing drainage.
All posts for fences greater than eight (8) feet in height shall be supported by concrete below the frost line.
No permit shall be issued for a property boundary fence to be located on a common property line unless the permit application has been signed by the owners of each of the contiguous tracts of property that the boundary fence shall border.
The City GIS Mapping System and/or St. Francois County Assessor’s mapping system have general property line locations, but have margins of error. It is intended to only be a guide to approximate lot location and shape.
If applicant cannot reasonably show where the property boundary is located between contiguous lots, a signature from the adjoining lot owner approving the location of the fence is required and/or a land survey by a properly licensed surveyor may be required.
Farmington, Missouri is a city located in St. Francois County, about 75 miles southwest of St. Louis in the Lead Belt region. As of the 2020 census, the population was 18,217. It is the county seat of St. Francois County.